Home » What Can Be Done to Stop Surging Smash-and-Grabs?

What Can Be Done to Stop Surging Smash-and-Grabs?

Posted by Matthew Clark on Jun 19, 2024

Vehicle break-ins via smash-and-grabs are nothing new. However, brazen thieves are taking smash-and-grab crimes to a new level. They commit these robberies while people are in their cars! That’s why the Oakland Police has issued a warning in SFist.

Thieves go after these vehicles while they’re sitting in traffic or waiting on the street. Then, they break one of the passenger windows to swipe belongings from the car. One victim said it only took 10 seconds for the thief to get away with her purse. The victim contacted the police to learn there were hundreds of calls before hers. Some of these calls were about the same suspects.

Another story from Dover states that the city is dealing with a rash of smash-and-grab thefts. These target forms of identity such as credit cards, debit cards, and identification cards. The concerning part of the story is that the suspects could be part of an out-of-state organized crime ring. They’re looking to steal anything with personal and banking information to use in committing fraud. These crimes tend to occur anyplace where someone might leave a purse or bag in their car, such as gyms and recreation areas.

An MSN report from Shelburne, MA, says the police department is alerting citizens about a growing number of smash-and-grab vehicle thefts. It may also involve an organized crime ring. Four smash-and-grabs crimes took place in Plymouth according to CCX Media. So, they’re going after parked vehicles.

The problem is so bad that CBS reports San Francisco Police have set up cars to act as bait. The story mentions the police are working on a case involving large burglary teams that come from outside of the city. One of the residents shared that cars are broken into every day. These robberies are taking tourists’ passports and other identity cards.

Which Types of Businesses Are Affected by Smash-and-Grabs

The crimes do not only affect cars. Sometimes, the criminals go further to ram into a store to steal things from inside. A recurring theme is that these are happening in tourist areas. Thieves assume tourists will have important documentation and identification in their bags.

Any place with parked cars is at risk of smash-and-grabs. Here are some businesses that need to act to stop smash-and-grabs.


Hotels are hot spots because travelers tend to have their most important documents with them. One thing a hotel can do is educate its customers. They can create a page on their website that talks about protecting their belongings. Whenever people check-in, provide customers with information and tips for securing their things.

Customers will view this as the hotel going the extra mile to look after their well-being. The key is to communicate this important message in multiple ways. They can also offer a free baggage service where they hold customers’ luggage. The customer may have to check out of the hotel early and may not leave town right away. It takes away the risk of leaving their things in a vehicle.

Auto dealerships

Like hotels, auto dealerships can educate their employees and customers about not leaving items in their vehicles. They should communicate this in several places and ways. This is important information worth overcommunicating.

Due to the nature of the business, dealerships are more vulnerable to car-related crimes. While their vehicles are unlikely to have items inside, crooks may target them for stealing the entire vehicle or just the car parts.

A FOX13 video contains an interview with car dealership employees. They’ve been dealing with a crime almost daily. Dealership employees say criminals will pull up to the front of the dealership and do whatever they want. According to the people quoted in the stories, the police haven’t been able to help.

Multifamily residential properties

A CBS4 Indy report shows almost 40 cars had their car windows broken and things stolen. The crimes occurred at two apartment buildings and a hotel. Residents may leave stuff in their cars to make it easier to manage. Unfortunately, this turns a car into a target for a smash-and-grab.

The apartment community staff can educate residents to keep their cars clear. Employees will want to use different methods to communicate the details. Not everyone uses the apartment’s online community or reads everything they get from the community.

Gyms and retail centers

One thing gyms and retail centers have in common is that people tend to leave things in their cars. They think they won’t be gone long whether it’s for a one-hour workout or a quick pickup of a few items from the store. But it only takes seconds to break into a vehicle.

One gym member left their things in the vehicle at 7 am while they attended a one-hour class. Despite people being stationed at the front desk facing the parking lot, the person’s car was broken into, and their purse stolen. Again, businesses need to educate their customers, employees, and members.

Office and commercial buildings

The challenge with commercial buildings is they tend to have multiple entrances and exits for people and vehicles. Suspects take advantage of this as they’ll know they have options for getting away. Employees working in commercial buildings think they’re in a secure space and may lower their guard. They aren’t diligent about not keeping things in the car. Besides, employees are busy and won’t always notice potentially problematic behavior.

Commercial buildings can turn into hotspots for theft during the evenings and weekends as fewer people are on the property. Office building managers tend not to have an effective multi-layer security process. As such, they run afoul of smash-and-grabs.

How to Stop Smash-and-Grabs

To combat the blight of smash-and-grabs by brazen thieves who have no fear, businesses must invest in a multilayered approach to security. The security strategy should encompass multiple layers. These include lighting, access control, education, training, and more.

There is a proactive security solution that comes with many layers of security. It combines video camera technology with a monitoring service. Traditional security cameras alone cannot always deter crimes. Too many video surveillance systems do not have monitoring or effective monitoring.

Remote video monitoring that incorporates artificial intelligence and trained human monitoring operators offers the best of both worlds. No matter how much training and programming AI contains, the human factor must be part of the remote video surveillance process.

Trained monitoring operators remotely monitor video surveillance cameras in real time. They’re not located on the property. They can identify problem activities and quickly respond.

Artificial intelligence scans for patterns and anomalies. It helps speed proactive response to potential threats. This technology augments the effectiveness of human monitoring by automating the monitoring process. It turns remote monitoring services into a dynamic and scalable solution.

A lot of businesses think they need to obscure the cameras. But it’s the opposite. Those cameras should be visible because they can deter some intruders. Everyone needs to know the area is under surveillance. It helps reduce the likelihood of some criminal activity.

As mentioned before, thieves are bolder than ever before. That’s why monitoring with artificial intelligence and humans is a crucial part of the security solution. Together, they can act faster and follow the process for the situation.

Artificial intelligence can help detect problems quickly and alert the monitoring operators. If someone is on the property, the monitoring operator can use an audio warning to alert intruders. If they do not leave or hear the message, then the operator can contact law enforcement.

As the police officers make their way to the scene, the operator can track the suspect while keeping the emergency operator informed.

Not only can video cameras with remote monitoring help deter crime but they can also save everything in recordings. Clients have used these videos in liability lawsuits, safety training, process training, and solving crimes. Therefore, video surveillance comes with multiple uses and benefits.

Protecting Vehicles and Businesses

Another strategy is for businesses to partner with law enforcement agencies and local communities. They work together to develop proactive strategies and initiatives to help reduce crimes like smash-and-grabs and enhance overall safety.

With the rising number of smash-and-grabs, retail centers, offices and commercial properties, automotive dealerships, and apartment communities must be proactive to protect their employees and residents.

The myriad challenges associated with smash-and-grab crimes require comprehensive and collaborative solutions. By implementing stout security processes and building community partnerships, businesses and stakeholders can create a safer and more secure place for everyone.

How do you select the right video surveillance technology with remote monitoring services? Choose a video surveillance service that provides a checklist of questions to ask. Start by looking for security companies with experience in securing vehicles and businesses like yours.

To learn more about video surveillance with remote monitoring, check out this guide on Security Systems 101. Please feel free to contact us with your questions.

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Texas Private Security License Number: B14187
California Alarm Operator License Number: ACO7876
Florida Alarm System Contractor I License Number: EF20001598
Tennessee Alarm Contracting Company License Number: 2294
Virginia Private Security Services Business License Number: 11-19499
Alabama Electronic Security License # 002116
Canada TSBC License: LEL0200704