Paying out for customer car damage can be quite irritating and expensive; especially when your dealership is not responsible for the damage in the first place.
The service manager at a BMW dealership installed security cameras throughout his facility in an attempt to curb his customer’s complaints about car damage. Before the monitoring system was installed, they were paying around $3,000-$4,000 a month in damage repair claims for BMW automobiles. The security cameras were the solution to these claims. After their installation, the service manager was able to review the video footage of the vehicles to validate the customer’s claims of damage. Approximately 90% of the time, the customer was mistaken. The damage was already there, but the customer had not noticed. Since the installation of the video monitoring system, the dealership has saved from $20,000 to $30,000 in vehicle repair claims.
If a customer claims car damage on their vehicle, with the monitoring system, you can prove the damage didn’t come from the facility and the customer is satisfied.
The video monitoring system also helped secure their fleet of loaner cars from theft and false car damage claims. Live video monitoring helped stop a possible car theft by alerting the police who arrived on scene in twelve minutes, fast enough to catch the suspect still in action.
These BMW dealership are not clients of Stealth Monitoring.
Stealth Monitoring is a security industry leader in live video surveillance with over 15,000 video cameras watched nationwide. Stealth proactive video monitoring can detect and deter crime in Baltimore and other cities in the U.S. and Canada while reducing security guard and other expenses. Stealth’s virtual security guard service can reduce or even replace security guards at a fraction of the cost. A remote surveillance Stealth operator can see suspicious activity at this BMW dealership, activate a speaker warning to deter thieves, and call the local police.
Please contact Stealth today for more information to protect your car dealership. Visit our web site to see actual videos of criminals being apprehended at a range of commercial businesses.