Home » Suspect Arrested After Breaking into Ontario Scrap Metal Facility

Suspect Arrested After Breaking into Ontario Scrap Metal Facility

Posted by Sidney Sommer on Jul 24, 2023

According to Professor Ben Stickle, author of Metal Scrappers and Thieves: Scavenging for Survival and Profit, many metal and scrap thieves he interviewed had previously worked with metal in some capacity- in jobs such as construction- and understood its value. These thieves often make a calculated decision about the risks of being arrested versus the amount of money they stand to make selling the scrap, and that decision is heavily influenced by potential profits. 

Between constant thefts of copper wire across the U.S. and Canada from dangerous locations, such as power stations and active construction sites, to scrap yards and recycling centers becoming frequent targets, scrap metals and other recycling-oriented businesses need effective security solutions that can intervene quickly and safely. 

Suspect Arrested After Breaking into Ontario Scrap Metal Facility

In the above video, Stealth security operators were observing a scrap metal facility in Ontario when they spotted an individual trespassing on the property just before 10:00 p.m. As the individual appeared to comb through the facility searching for materials to steal, Stealth operators immediately contacted local law enforcement and informed them of the activity in progress. Responding officers arrived on site quickly and were observed making contact with the suspect, ultimately taking them into custody. 

Help Deter Thieves and Trespassers from Your Facility with Proactive Live Video Monitoring 

Scrap metals theft remains an ongoing problem, and despite attempts from local governments to help curb the issue, it continues to be a struggle for scrap and recycling businesses, among others. Black market sellers continue to thrive as scrap materials values increase.  

Fences, gates, even guards are often not sufficient at deterring determined criminals. That’s where a proactive solution like Stealth’s live video monitoring can help. 

Stealth’s live video monitoring uses a combination of trained security professionals and strategically placed analytics-based cameras to monitor your property in real time, watching for suspicious or unusual activity. When our highly trained security operators see someone or something out of place, they can sound onsite audible alarms, which are often enough to send trespassers running. When that isn’t enough, they can reach out to local police dispatch, and just as you’ve seen in the video above, police typically respond quickly. 

Proactive security can make a massive difference in outcomes at your property. Ready to learn more about how Stealth’s live video monitoring solution can help protect your business from criminal and other unwanted activity? Contact us today and speak with a scrap and recycling security specialist for your free quote and learn how you can save up to 60% on security costs while improving results. Texas Private Security License Number B14187.