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Security Guards & Savings

Liabilities and the Security Industry

Crime does not prevent itself, but business owners should not be overeager in protecting their goods. There are risks in hiring live guards. The security…

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Analog vs Digital Cameras and Live Monitoring

In crime prevention, there are two types of cameras that can be utilized, analog or digital. The information below looks at both to help your…

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Security Guards Vs Live Monitoring

When the economy hits a bump and takes a downturn, one inevitable side effect is an increase in crime. Owners of shopping centers, industrial and…

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Security Guards Can Be a Liability Risk

While having security personnel on site can seem to be a positive step towards securing your business, many security guards are not trained, equipped, or…

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Using Visible and Hidden Live Video Cameras To Deter and Reduce Crime

Even though criminals are often thought of as being rather dim, almost all of them have learned a few key points of their “profession.” One…

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